33 Ways You Can Become the Main Character Today
Prioritize self care
Set clear goals
Do something uncomfortable
Meditate for 10 minutes
Write in a journal
Express yourself creatively
Learn a new skill
Create a monthly budget
Call a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while
Visualize your goals
Eliminate distractions
Establish boundaries
Take a cold bath or shower
Define your core values
Make a list of things you’re grateful for
Break a daunting task into smaller, manageable tasks
Make a list of positive affirmations to repeat
Go to a networking event
Plan your meals for the week
Try a new exercise
Reflect on the day. What went right? What went wrong?
Make a to-do list of essential tasks
Read an interesting book or article
Go down an internet rabbit-hole
Find investment opportunities
Find ways to support your friends and family
Create a vision board
Go for a walk without your phone
Spend time in nature
Pick up trash
Cultivate a positive mindset
Donate old clothes and belongings
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