Make Sense of Your Feelings with These Six Methods
When’s the last time you made sense of your feelings?
Getting in touch with yourself can be harder than you think. For some, this may begin with subtle intuitions you become vaguely aware of. (It’s your intuition that tells you not to walk down a dark alley late at night.)
Most of the time, intuition is an innate sense of knowing. The more intuitive you are, the more you gravitate towards finding the hidden meanings of life, and the more you start living in a way that’s meant for you.
Becoming Self-Aware
Intuition is typically found among people who are self-aware and in touch with themselves. This concept isn’t necessarily something that can be tracked and measured, like goals.
Unfortunately, you can’t open up your brain and spread your thoughts out on a piece of paper for you to objectively observe. The only way your brain patterns can escape the confines of your head is through a medium. These mediums take many forms, which we call art.
Art can be expressed through speaking, writing, drawing, painting, dancing, cooking, and basically any other form of creative expression.
While we may not all be artists, we owe it to ourselves to understand and listen to our body and mind. By becoming more aware of who you are, you can determine what you really want out of life.
Below is a step-by-step list of ways you can get back in touch with yourself and make sense of your feelings.
Personality Test
The first step to getting a basic understanding of yourself is knowing the type of person you are. The things you like and dislike, your conscious and unconscious mannerisms, and the way you think are all part of who you are.
Take this free personality test to find out your four letter acronym that best describes you.
When I first finished taking my test (I’m an INTJ), it felt like someone invaded my inner thoughts and typed them out for me to look at. I was shocked at the accuracy! Upon reading about your personality type, it may be the first time you feel understood in your entire life!
Through the test results, you’ll become knowledgeable of your inherent strengths and weaknesses, the nature of the relationships you have with people, and your workplace habits. This insight has surely helped me in my interactions with people and the world around me.
Taking a personality test is one of the most powerful forms of learning how to make sense of your feelings.
2. Creative Expression
Humans have been creating and building upon past inventions and ideas for millennia. It’s what makes us different from the rest of the animal kingdom.
Creative expression gives you a sense of purpose and serves as a form of emotional outlet. It’s no surprise that creative expression makes you feel good inside.
Examples of artistic expression include painting, drawing, cooking, dancing, singing, 3D design, music, woodworking, etc. The list is endless!
When you find your niche of artistic expression and create something out of nothing, it boosts your confidence and self-esteem.
3. Pay Attention to Your Senses
Look around. What do you see? What sounds can you hear? Is the taste in your mouth pleasant? Are the clothes you’re wearing comfortable?
How do your senses affect your mood on a daily basis?
When you’re aware of how your senses affect you, you can proactively anticipate, and therefore control how you feel.
Some universal examples include smelling lavender to help with relaxation and sleep. Green and blue wall colors create feelings of a stress-free environment. Spicy foods are known to boost your mood.
Simple things like this over time can create positive lasting effects on your mood, and subsequently, your well-being. All you have to do is pay attention!
4. Pay Attention to Your Thoughts
Are you currently angry? Sad? Happy? Content? Anxious? What emotion are you currently experiencing and why?
When you analyze your emotions, it allows you to trace back the source of your emotions. This is the foundation to understanding yourself and your thought processes!
Before I typed this article, I was procrastinating and frequently checking my phone for updates. I consciously recognized this, which led me to my next thought: Why am I constantly looking at my phone when I should be writing?
It’s because I was unsure and anxious about what article I should write next. Let’s continue this train of thought.
Why am I unsure and anxious about what article to write about? Do I have writer’s block? Am I not qualified enough to write about any more topics?
You can how if you don’t have control or awareness of your thoughts how destructive this process can be.
5. Go For a Walk in Nature
Between the increased blood flow, the meditative aspects, the fresh air, and the peace of mind it provides, this is a no-brainer. The benefits to walking are numerous, and you owe it to yourself to go on more frequent walks in nature.
Some of histories’ most famous figures made walking a part of their everyday routine, including Aristotle, Henry David Thoreau, Charles Dickens, Ludwig van Beethoven, Albert Einstein and countless others.
Humans, just like all other animals, are wired to live and navigate our natural environments. It’s therefore no surprise that walking through nature makes you relaxed, creative, boosts your mood, and keeps you healthy!
6. Meditate
Sometimes, people don’t meditate simply because they fear that they’re doing it “wrong”. The reality is, there’s no such thing as a wrong way to meditate! While there are different strategies of meditating some people follow, there’s no wrong way to sit silently and listen to your thoughts.
One basic strategy I use is called mindful meditation.
First, focus on a specific part of your breath. I focus on the rise and fall of my chest. Once you notice your mind start to wander (don’t worry, it always will), acknowledge where your intruding thoughts come from and why they may have appeared. After acknowledging and watching your thoughts, go back to focusing on your breath.
It's Easier Than You Think
Even if you only have 30 seconds a day to notice your thoughts, it’s still very powerful.
But don’t just take it from me. Some past and present successful figures who swear by daily meditation include Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Paul McCartney, Clint Eastwood, and countless others.
Meditation is powerful because it gives you greater self-control. When you have greater self-control, you’re able to confidently navigate your life and make corrections as you see fit.
Instead of being a victim to your thoughts and actions, control your thoughts and create your life!
It’s hard to communicate your feelings when you don’t know them yourself. Effective communication is fundamental to living a stress-free life.
Make sense of our feelings by:
Taking a personality test
Finding ways to be creative
Pay attention to your senses. Change your environment to reflect your likes and eliminate dislikes
Pay attention to your thoughts. Take action instead of re-acting to circumstances
Go for a walk in nature (bonus points if you’re barefoot and grounding!)
Take time every day to meditate, even if it’s only for 30 seconds.
Make sense of your feelings and get your life back on track!