12 Steps to Think Yourself Successful
“Think my way to being rich? That doesn’t sound so hard. Surely that can’t be all there is to it, right?”
You’re right. You can’t just sit around and wait for everything you’ve ever wanted to fall into your lap in a convenient little package. What you need to do is envision what future happiness means to you, and find out how you can monetize it.
Below are 12 steps to think yourself rich.
Have a Burning Desire
There are only so many things in this world that people have a “burning desire” for. Some people may not have any burning desires, or are unknowing of what their burning desire may be.
If you don’t know your burning desire, start by listening to yourself. It may not come to you immediately, but it will reveal itself to you over time.
Whatever your desire is, you need to make a plan on how you will get there.
One of the best ways to plan for success is goal setting. You need to break our goals into manageable, bite-sized pieces.
Find out what it is that you want, what your burning desire is, and make that your number one priority. Write a short story of what it is you plan to accomplish and the steps you need to take. Write in the present tense, using “I am” and “I do X to help me achieve X”.
Put this paragraph somewhere you will see it every day. It can be your new phone background, taped to your mirror, or written on a big poster board on your wall. Wherever it goes, make sure you can see it on a daily basis.
If this is truly your burning passion, then reading it will encourage you to be persistent in your down days and will give you confidence and drive on your good days.
You have to believe you have what it takes to be successful. No amount “hoping” or “wishing” will get you results!
2. Use Your Imagination
Any and all magnificent feats of mankind first started with a crazy idea.
From planes, to skyscrapers, to internet and the first iPhone, everything ever accomplished first started out as a crazy idea.
Your ideas are never too crazy. The best part is that it doesn’t matter what people think of your idea. Other peoples’ input isn’t required to successfully accomplish your dreams.
Just because other people place limitations on themselves, doesn’t mean you have to abide by them. When people say you can’t do something, it’s usually a projection that they can’t do it.
Imaginations are what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. With the exponentially increasing advance of technology, the capacity for creative expression is limitless.
When a “crazy” idea is taken hostage by your imagination, pay attention and start taking notes.
3. Set Goals
“I want to be CEO of the world’s most successful company!”
That sounds like a pretty intimidating task, doesn’t it?
Instead, list three goals you need to accomplish to make your burning desire come true. These secondary goals may not be obvious at first, but will become obvious once you get into the right headspace.
Nobody ever ate a whole pizza in one bite, and nobody ever got to the top of a mountain without taking the first step. You won’t conquer your dreams in one swift motion.
Find a weekly, monthly, yearly, and five-year goal to strive for. Write these goals down where you will see them.
This keeps you from burning out and allows you to take a realistic approach to accomplishing our goals.
4. Believe
What you think, you become.
Using repetition or autosuggestion is key to creating fundamental change in the way you think about yourself, your goals and your ambitions.
When you truly believe you have what it takes to accomplish your goals, you become emotionally attached. These charged-up thoughts marinate in your subconscious, just waiting for an opportunity to jump onto.
These primed thoughts, mixed with desire and belief, is a potent combination which serves as the foundation for success.
5. Hypnotize Yourself
Auto-suggestion, visualization, fake-it-til-you-make-it mindset, hypnosis. Whatever you want to call it, that’s what you need to do.
Repetition is a great method to convince yourself that something is true (politicians do it all the time!)
Read the story you wrote about your goals and repeat it to yourself every morning and every night.
These words plant seeds into your brain that set the tone for the rest of the day. Like anything, if you start off with a negative mindset, you’ll grow a tree that feeds off negativity. But, if you feed the seed positive, uplifting thoughts, you’ll branch out in more ways you ever thought possible.
Tell yourself the story, in present tense, of how you’re going to accomplish your goals. Physically feel the joy you’ll bring to yourself and others when you finally reach your goals.
Skepticism is natural, but the more and more you repeat your future success to yourself, as if it has already happened, the more attainable your goals will become.
6. Acquire Knowledge
You can’t start your goal if you don’t know the steps to get there. Along the way, you’ll need specialized knowledge about some aspects of your grand plan to make progress.
Luckily, there’s something called the internet. It has all the information we’ve ever known.
If you want to thoroughly understand your passion, you need to take learning into your own hands. In some cases, you may need to unlearn more than you’ve actually learned!
There are endless amounts of forums, instructional videos, and entrepreneurs across the internet that can teach you what you need to do. Most of it is free!
7. Be Decisive
Procrastination happens to all of us, but it’s the degree you let it take over your life that determines your success.
To take control of your life and rise above, you need to have a starting point. Make a decision of where to start and plan how you will move forward.
If you procrastinate procrastinate writing a paper, begin by only writing the first paragraph. If you want to build a business, begin by starting a website.
You have to show up to the task before you can see signs of success. The fact that you’re beginning the task is enough to wire your brain to do it again!
Lack of decision-making and procrastination is one of, if not, the biggest contributor to failure!
One notably successful aspect of entrepreneurs is their ability to test early, often, and adapt to the response.
8. Persistence, Persistence, Persistence!
If you only learn one thing from this article, it should be this: persistence is the single greatest contributor to success!
No matter what difficulties you may face in your adventures, you have to persist in moving forward. Making mistakes is fundamental to growing and expanding your knowledge.
How to remain persistent:
A burning desire or purpose
A plan that is continuously worked on
A positive mindset insulated from negative thoughts or feelings
A support group that pushes you to follow through
You’re going to hit road blocks, and you’re going to have to get over them one way or another. Life is like a video game: if you don’t encounter any obstacles or difficulties, you aren’t going the right way.
9. Surround Yourself With Success
“If you’re the smartest one in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”
There’s always people who know more about something than you do. It takes humility to surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, but you have everything to gain by it.
If you surround yourself with lazy or uninspiring people, their bad attributes will seep into your life too. Complacency sets in because you have nobody to compete with or live up to.
Businesses that are “too big to fail” fall to the competitor they didn’t notice because they failed to continue to innovate. Arrogance rises because you have nobody to humble you. This mentality is fatal to the biggest businesses the world has ever seen, and you aren’t an exception.
Surround yourself with people who know more than you do, and actively learn from them.
10. Transform Your Sex Energy
This topic may be one you are consciously or unconsciously aware of, but it exists nonetheless. It’s the topic of sex-transmutation.
The desire for sex is the strongest, most influential feeling your body will ever experience. If it wasn’t, humans would have died off long ago.
Sex-transmutation is when you transform the sexual energy expressed by your body and use it for non-sexual pursuits. It’s why most men achieve their greatest successes only after their reproductive years, around the age of 40.
This is knowledge that is rarely talked about, but well known by notable figures throughout history. Entrepreneurs, actors, boxers, athletes, artists, philosophers, and many more have utilized this technique to become masters of their domain for centuries!
If you can successfully transform your desire for ejaculation into your burning desire, you’re tapping into the greatest motivating force known to man. With practice, you can channel this untapped and never-ending energy and achieve greatness.
Semen takes large amounts of energy to create. If you’re constantly emitting your life-force, your body becomes deficient in essential nutrients and leaves you depressed.
If however you store this energy for days or weeks on end, your body utilizes the extra energy to build your dream life.
11. Pay Attention to Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is the default program running in your brain when you aren’t actively focused on a task. It’s the thoughts that appear when you’re focusing on your breath while meditating.
Your subconscious has a powerful impact on your daily life, sometimes more so than your conscious mind. Learning how to influence your subconscious is a powerful tool you can use to effectively shape your life.
Your subconcious takes in 100% of the information you are exposed to. If you constantly scroll social media looking at pictures of sports cars or women, you’re programming yourself. If you consume content related to self-improvement, you’re programming yourself.
The best way to program your subconcious is through desire, imagination, and belief. When you feel a passionate, emotional connection to your burning desire, your brain takes that idea and assigns your subconscious to work on it. Be relentless with surrounding yourself with only positive and uplifting content, and you’ll put yourself in the right mindset.
12. Remain Focused
When you’re committed to becoming successful, every action, big or small, should put you on the path to accomplishing what you set out to do.
Almost as if by magic, your brain will discard anything that doesn’t help you accomplish your goal in life, and you start doubling down on what takes you closer to accomplishing your goal.
When you’re completely committed to becoming successful, your brain rewires itself to focus only on that goal.
In effect, your efforts hardly seem like work anymore! Your brain transforms your actions from begrudging work that you’re reluctant to do, to being a motivational challenge.
Everything will turn out for you exactly how you want it, if you believe it will. That’s peace of mind you can’t buy!
Learn More
I didn’t come up with these principles myself. They were discovered by Napoleon Hill after interviewing hundreds of millionaires and discovering how they accomplished their dreams and became rich. He then produced these findings in a book titled “Think and Grow Rich.”
I truly believe his work is life-changing. His book gives you the exact recipe needed to, quite literally, think and grow rich. If you read his book and complete the exercises, there’s no reason that you can’t think your way to being rich!
Your success story begins when you find out what it is you were destined to do in this world. Find out what that is, and get to it!