5 Compelling Reasons You Need to Ditch Your Mask
We’ve officially passed the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lockdowns, mask mandates, and other totalitarian measures have turned our society into anxious, depressed, and hostile human beings who seem to forget who we are underneath our facemasks.
The past year has destroyed countless businesses, people’s mental health, among other widespread effects. Most of us are still suffering.
And for what, a virus that has a survival rate of 99.83%?
It’s sad to see people we love die from COVID complications, but the truth is that humans naturally become weaker with age. Our lives on earth are precious because of our limited time.
If you’re less than 70 years old however, the risk of death by COVID is too small to even mention, let alone worry about. In fact, you have a higher likelihood of getting into a fatal car crash than dying from COVID!
I personally don’t wear a mask anymore. I stroll into grocery stores, malls, and department stores proudly wearing a smile on my face, and nobody says anything.
In this article, I’m going to tell you why you’re only hurting yourself and others by continuing to wear a mask.
Mental Health Effects
You probably don’t need me to tell you how uncomfortable and unnatural it is to wear a mask, especially for hours at a time. Negative physiological effects include:
Shortness of breath
Increase in stress hormones
Suppression of your immune system
Decreased oxygen levels in your blood
Increased levels of carbon dioxide in your blood
When you have shortness of breath, you instinctively take larger breaths. As you take larger breaths, you exhale more particles from your body, having the opposite of the intended effect of limiting your spread of germs.
If you breathe in your own breath for hours at a time for days on end, you aren’t exposing your body to the real world. Your body’s immune system goes into hibernation because it isn’t working to fight off particles you’re used to inhaling. When you finally expose your face, your immune system is overwhelmed. You put yourself at even higher risk of being sick than you were in the first place!
Not only is our immune system sensitive, but even more so is your brain. When you continue to wear masks, you make yourself vulnerable to:
Accelerated aging
Which in turn activates:
Mood swings
Chronic stress
Decreased cognitive function
Activation of “fight or flight” response
Listen to Your Body
It’s important to start listening to what your body is telling you!
I subconsciously noticed these effects when I was forced to wear a mask for work. Now that I’m aware, it’s clear that you’re suffering from government tyranny in the name of “safety” by continuing to wear one.
Concealing 2/3rds of your face from everyone is symbolically and physically isolating everyone from each other. Have you not been living your life perfectly fine, with every and all diseases, viruses, and illnesses present, for your entire life?
If you feel like you’re in the prime of your health, why should you get a vaccine? Normal, healthy kids and adults have no reason to get COVID shots.
As Kelly Clarkson said it best,
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”
Let’s flash back to elementary school.
There is no shortage of sneezing, coughing, and boogers from the high-energy kids. Teachers tell you about germs. “They’re everywhere, and they’re a huge part of the reason our bodies stay alive.”
News flash- nothing has changed!
A Paper Mask Doesn't Stop Microscopic Particles
For all intents and purposes, viruses and bacteria are everywhere. A small, thin, paper mask isn’t going to stop the army of foreign particles that exist outside your bedroom. They’re floating around in the air, water, dust, and live on every surface they find.
Let’s take a quick glance into the life of a dollar bill: You work at a convenience store and someone gives you cash to pay for a soda. The next person in line pays in cash, but needs change, so you give them the dollar the previous customer gave you, as change. Your same hands that touched the dollar touch your steering wheel, your doorknob, and subsequently everything else in your house.
One dollar has been passed between three completely random people in a span of a few seconds, along with germs from each person. It’s madness to try and be “germ free.”
This includes countertops, registers, walls, touch pads, door handles- anything that everybody is constantly touching! Masks and six foot distance requirements are futile.
You haven’t stopped hanging out with friends, have you? Who knows where they’ve been!
If bacteria had humor, they would be laughing hysterically at the fact that we’re trying to stop them with such ineffective measures!
If you’re afraid of bacteria, you have the right to be. But you don’t have the right to enforce your opinion onto others and make them comply with your wishes!
You touch your face roughly 16 times an hour, and more if you’re constantly adjusting your mask. You probably don’t have gloves on, and if you do, the bacteria moves from the glove to your face. There’s no getting around interacting with germs (sorry germaphobes!)
Bottom line, bacteria and viruses are present everywhere you go, and there’s nothing you can do about it without wearing a spacesuit. But even then…
If You Got the Vaccine, Why Are You Still Wearing a Mask?
Almost a third of all Americans are now fully vaccinated. So why are people still wearing masks? Wasn’t the point of getting the vaccine to accelerate the process of “going back to normal?”
I hate to say it, but you’ve been duped.
Google “do i still have to wear a mask?” and some of the first results are “why you should still continue to wear a mask even after getting the vaccine.”
Despite what the consensus was thought to be, government officials are not saying it’s now safe to throw away the masks after getting the vaccine.
The most valuable skill a politician has is their ability to shamelessly lie to millions of Americans over and over and over.
Luckily, you don’t have to listen. If you got the vaccine, don’t wear a mask. If you don’t have the vaccine, still don’t wear a mask.
"Trust the Science" Means "Trust What I Say"
Over the course of the pandemic, you may’ve heard some people say “the science is settled, so just wear your mask!”
“The science is settled” is one of, if not the most ludicrous statement ever.
Science is continually changing. If it wasn’t, we’d still be sacrificing our best livestock to the big man in the sky in an effort to receive a good harvest this year.
Saying that “the science is settled” is equivalent to saying that you should blindly believe in what “experts” say, no matter what, without ever finding or offering evidence that it may in fact not be settled.
“Listen to me because I’m right, and definitely don’t try to find solutions on your own because that’s dangerous.”
That sounds like a cult to me.
Florida, the most notable state to lift mask mandates, has since experienced a rapid decline in covid cases.
New York, California, and others who are STILL imposing mask mandates continue to see rising COVID cases.
I’m going to let the data speak for itself in this graph below.
One piece of information that’s been conveniently forgotten about this past year is the number of flu cases in America. Did you know that there was a 95% drop in flu cases from 2019 to 2020?
This is likely due to the financial incentive for hospitals to list patients as having coronavirus. The government gives them more money if they have more coronavirus patients.
“Surely during this pandemic we’ve lost MILLIONS of people to this terrible virus, right?”
Actually, the US is right on par with prior years.
The number of people who die year-to-year, for numerous reasons, has largely stayed the same despite the coronavirus pandemic!
What About Sweden?
In other news, do you want to know what Sweden did to counter the COVID 19 pandemic?
Nothing. Sweden did nothing.
No mask mandates, no lockdowns, no government tyranny.
This is an old graph that only has data up until the end of July 2020. Do you know why? Because coronavirus is no longer an issue in Sweden!
It’s possible you had no idea of Sweden’s policies (rather their lack of). That’s by design. If the government and its media outlets told you that more freedom was the answer to the pandemic, how would they get you to comply?
It's a Form of Compliance
A well-known quote among politicians is “never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Anytime people are fearful, whether it’s terrorists, diseases, or illegal immigrants, politicians pass laws to make the government bigger, in effect shrinking your freedoms. “Safety” is the commonly touted word in times of crises and big government.
Governors pass laws they could never get away with in “normal” times. Mask mandates and mandatory vaccines are simply “trial runs” for what they can get away with in the future.
While it may not seem like it, the government is conditioning people to be compliant to their wishes:
They take your freedom away with lockdowns and by forcing you to wear a mask.
They turn around and say you can have your freedom back when you get the jab and continue to wear a mask.
You continue to wear masks and get the vaccine, and you might be granted your “freedoms” back.
Rinse and repeat.
When everyone submits to this tyranny, it creates a new “social norm”. The next “social norm” in America may be vaccine passports. After that, perhaps a social credit score like that in communist China.
The social credit system allows the Chinese government to monitor every purchase, movement, and action you make in order to dictate what you can and can’t do.
If we continue to allow the government to trample on our rights and liberties, we’ll begin to lose sight of what normal life is really like.
Time For Action
It’s time you rip the face masks off and start thinking for yourself.
I live in Pennsylvania, and Gov. Wolf still insists on mask mandates in public places.
I refuse. The signs that appear on businesses’ front doors, “No entry without face mask,” are required to be there by “law”. Hardly anybody actually cares that I don’t wear a mask inside stores. Businesses just want your business in these trying times.
In the suburbs outside Pittsburgh, I easily walk into Home Depot, Lowes, Shop n Save, Sheetz, Target, Walmart, and other department stores all without wearing a mask.
If you’re afraid of receiving backlash, just say “I got the vaccine” and keep moving. If you’re still uneasy about it, carry a mask with you or say you forgot yours. Other options include wearing it just to get through the front doors or just ignoring workers completely.
I’m not trying to sound like a badass here. I’m just saying that not wearing a mask is easier than you think. Try it out once and see how you like it.
So what are you waiting for? I know you want to take that muzzle off your face. Just do it.